Items where Year is 2003
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Abd. Kadir, Hazlina (2003) Technical And Scale Efficiency Of Domestic And Foreign -owned Commercial Banks In Malaysia: A Data Envelopment Analysis. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Abdullah, Mohd Haris Lye (2003) Stock Trend Prediction With Neural Network Techniques. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Adam Khan Mohd Nazri Khan, (2003) The Study Of Innovation In Siemens ICN Germany And Malaysia. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Adam Khan, Mohd Nazri Khan (2003) Study Of Innovation In Siemens ICN Germany And Malaysia. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Ahmad Zahidin, Putri Mariah Z.M (2003) Analytical Development To Evaliate The Influence Of Cross Phase Modulation In WDM IM/DD Transmission Systems. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Bala, S. Vijayan, P. and Rafi, A. (2003) Service quality evaluation of Internet banking in Malaysia. In: Proceedings of the International Banking Conference, 9-10 Sept 2003, Prato, Italy.
Fadzly, Mohamed Nazri (2003) Study On The Audit Expectation Gap In Malaysia. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Harris, Hezlin (2003) Perception Of Firms Towards The Electronic Commerce Payment Systems In Malaysia. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Ishar, Syarraieni (2003) Multiresolution Image Processing By A Beowulf Cluster. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Krishnasamy, Geeta (2003) Relationships Among Selected Asian Index Futures Markets. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Mansor, Sarina (2003) Modality And Region-Oriented Medical Image Compression Using Wavelets. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Mohamed Ismail, Seyed Mohamed Buharil (2003) Optimizing The Search Of Access Control Lists For IP Packet Filtering Applications. PhD thesis, Multimedia University.
Mohd Razali, Ezmir (2003) Simulation On The Impact Of Cross-Phase Modulation (XPM) On WDM Optical Transmission System. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Rafi, A. (2003) Designing sound to reinforce architectural visualisation. In: Proceedings of the 9th EuropIA International Conference (EIA9) , 8-10 Oct 2003, Istanbul, Turkey.
Rafi, A. (2003) The soft city of Putrajaya. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA), 18-20 Oct 2003, Bangkok, Thailand,.
Ramasamy, Suganthi (2003) Index-Futures Lead-Lag And Price -Volume Causality: A Study Of The Malaysian Stock Index Futures Market. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Ramliy, Mohd Nazri (2003) Imitation Of Human Arm And Hand Natural Movement For Telecommunication Application. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Sankaran, Muthulakshmi (2003) Impact Of Information Communication Technology On Customer Satisfaction In Airline Industry. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Vijayan, Paramsothy (2003) Application Of Creative Multimedia Technology In Banking. Masters thesis, Multimedia university.
Zainal Abidin, Mohamad Izani (2003) Comparative Study On The Current And Potential Commercial Utilisation Of Motion Capture Versus Keyframe Animation. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Abd. Razak, Aishah and Mohd Yusof, Mohd Hafizuddin and Komiya, Ryoichi (2003) Towards automatic recognition of emotion in speech. In: Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Symposium Signal Processing and Information Technology, 2003. ISSPIT 2003. IEEE Xplore, 548 -551. ISBN 0-7803-8292-7
Abd. Razak, Aishah and Zainal Abidin, Mohd Izani and Komiya, Ryoichi (2003) Emotion pitch variation analysis in Malay and English voice samples. In: 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (IEEE Cat. No.03EX732), 21-24 Sept 2003, Penang, Malaysia.
Abd. Razak, Aishah and Zainal Abidin, Mohd Izani and Komiya, Ryoichi (2003) A preliminary speech analysis for recognizing emotion. In: Proceedings. Student Conference Research and Development, 2003. SCORED 2003. IEEE Xplore, 49 -54. ISBN 0-7803-8173-4
Abdullah, Saliza (2003) IT Management And Its Roles In Creating High Performance SME Within Marine Industry In Malaysia & France. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Adam, Yousif (2003) Case Study : Sime Darby Berhad (SDB). Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Ahmad, Normarina (2003) Case Analysis On Advanced Micro Devices Inc.(AMD). Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Ahmad Rafi, M.E (2003) Redefining content. Automation in Construction International Research Journal, 12 (5). pp. 465-466.
Ahmad Rafi, M.E and Karboulonis, P. (2003) Design considerations for the design of an advanced VR interface for knowledge management and its relevance to CAD. Automation in Construction International Research Journal, 12 (5). pp. 501-507.
Alias, Mohammad Suffian (2003) Data Privacy And Malaysia E-Commerce. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Angela, Amphawan (2003) Evolving Fuzzy Neural Network Based Load Prediction Model In Dynamic Cell Sizing. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Angela, Amphawan (2003) Evolving Fuzzy Neural Network Based Load Prediction Model In Dynamic Cell Sizing. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Ansari, F (2003) An improved scheme for temperature calculations in food. Energy Conversion and Management, 44 (15). pp. 2373-2382. ISSN 01968904
BERNAMA, - (2003) Multimedia University(MMU). Malaysian Databank - BERNAMA.
Baskar, S. and Subbaraj, P. and Rao, M.V.C. and Tamilselvi, S. (2003) Genetic algorithms solution to generator maintenance scheduling with modified genetic operators. IEE Proceedings - Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 150 (1). pp. 56-60. ISSN 13502360
Batsaikhan, Osorkhuu (2003) Neural Network Classifiers For Mongolian Character Recognition. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Bhurosy, Kiran Kumarsingh (2003) Design And Implementation Of A Firewall System For A Local Area Network (LAN) Using Java Platform. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
CHOCKALINGAM, L. (2003) Mapping of sub-watersheds from digital elevation model: A morphological approach. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 17 (2). pp. 269-274. ISSN 02180014
Ch'ng, E (2003) Screen design: a dynamic symmetry grid based approach. Displays, 24 (3). pp. 125-135. ISSN 01419382
Chai, C. C. and Chung, B. K. and Chuah, H. T. (2003) Simple Time-Domain Expressions for Prediction of Crosstalk on Coupled Microstrip Lines — Abstract. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves, 17 (5). pp. 749-751. ISSN 09205071
Chan, Jacky Choon Cheong (2003) Analysis Of The Factors Affecting Salesperson Performance In Chemspec Sdn Bhd. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Chan, S. O.-Y. and Wong, Y. -P. (2003) View synthesis of uncalibrated stereo images using feature-based method and singular value decomposition. In: Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing (VIIP 2003). Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing (3). ACTA Press, pp. 454-459. ISBN 0889863822
Chan, Sylvia Oi Yee and Wong, Ya-Ping and Daniel, Jacob K. (2003) Dense stereo correspondence based on recursive adaptive size multi-windowing. Image and Vision Computing New Zealand 2003. pp. 256-259.
Chang, Yoong Choon (2003) Error Control Techniques For Video Transmission Over Wireless Channels. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Chang, Yoong Choon (2003) Performance Evaluation Of MPEG-4 Coded Video Transmission Over A Tetra Mobile Channel. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Chang, , YC and Tang, , TF and Beg, , MS (2003) Performance evaluation of MPEG-4 visual error resilient tools over a mobile channel. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONSUMER ELECTRONICS, 49 (1). pp. 6-13. ISSN 0098-3063
Cheah, Thomas (2003) Framework for a highly extensible IP telephony system. Networking and Communication.
Chee, Khern Tuan (2003) Performance Analysis Of Unit Trust In Malaysia. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Chen, Li Choo (2003) Load Balancing Algorithms For Distributed Service Architectures. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Chen, Li Choo (2003) Load Balancing Algorithms For Distributed Service Architectures. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Cheng, Yap Tiong (2003) A Study On The Consumer Behavioural Intention Among Customers Of McDonalds And Kentucky Fried Chicken(A Study On The Fast Food Industry Of Nilai). Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Chia, Yaroni Ching Ling (2003) Park May Berhad Confronting The Competitive Public Transportation Industry In Malaysia. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Chin, Celine Lai Yin (2003) The Emergence Of Wireless Broadband Services In Malaysia : A Case Study On Worlddone (M) Sdn. Bhd. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Chong, C (2003) Translation invariants of Zernike moments. Pattern Recognition, 36 (8). pp. 1765-1773. ISSN 00313203
Chong, Chee-Way (2003) An efficient algorithm for fast computation of pseudo-Zernike moments. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 17 (6). pp. 1011-1023. ISSN 02180014
Chong, Jude Kuan Loong (2003) A Study On Factors Determining The Competitiveness Of Semiconductor Industry In Malaysia. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Chong, C (2003) A comparative analysis of algorithms for fast computation of Zernike moments. Pattern Recognition, 36 (3). pp. 731-742. ISSN 00313203
Chong, Chee Way and Mukundan, Ramakrishnan (2003) The scale invariants of pseudo-Zernike moments. Pattern Analysis & Applications, 6 (3). pp. 176-184. ISSN 1433-7541
Chong, Hooi Chia and Beg, Mirza Salim (2003) Realizing MPEG-4 video transmission over wireless Bluetooth link via HCI. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 49 (4). pp. 1028-1034. ISSN 0098-3063
Chong, P. K. and Lee, S. W. and Tan, S. W. (2003) A fair AQM scheme for aggregated ECN and non-ECN traffic (2003). Journal Computer Communications, 27 (7). pp. 589-603. ISSN 0140-3664
Chong, Poh Kit and Lee, Sze Wei (2003) A simulation and hardware evaluation of a queue management scheme. MMU International Symposium on Information and Communications Technologies 2003. pp. 1-4. (Unpublished)
Chong, S. Y. and Ku, D. C. and Lim, H. S. and Tan, M. K. and White, J. D. (2003) Evolved neural networks learning Othello strategies. In: The 2003 Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 2003. CEC '03. IEEE Xplore, pp. 2222-2229. ISBN 0-7803-7804-0
Chong, Siang Yew (2003) Training of neural network using evolutionary computational techniques. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Chong , Hooi Chia (2003) MPEG-4 Video Transmission Over Wireless Bluetooth Links. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Chong , Poh Kit (2003) Adaptive Queue Management Scheme For Internet Congestion Control. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Choo, Tee Geok (2003) Case Study Of Outsourcing Model In Haworth Industries Sdn Bhd. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Chooi, W (2003) Adjacency preserving maps on upper triangular matrix algebras. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 367. pp. 105-130. ISSN 00243795
Chuah, T.C. (2003) Distance metric for soft-decision decoding in non-Gaussian channels. Electronics Letters, 39 (14). pp. 1062-1063. ISSN 00135194
Chuen, Tong Yeah (2003) Analysis Of Factors That Influence The Movement Of Dow Jones Industrial Average Using The Multiple Regression Method. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Chung, Chee Key (2003) Effects Of Oxygen Concentration On Solder Joints During Reflow Soldering. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Chung, B.K. and Chuah, H.T. (2003) Design and construction of a multipurpose wideband anechoic chamber. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, 45 (6). pp. 41-47. ISSN 1045-9243
Chung, Boon Kuan (2003) Modelling, Design and Construction Of A Multipurpose Anechoic Chamber. PhD thesis, Multimedia University.
Chung , Boon Kuan (2003) Modelling, Design And Construction Of A Multipurpose Anechoic Chamber. PhD thesis, Multimedia University.
Dash, PK and Pradhan, AK and Panda, G (2003) Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Classification and Location of Faults on Thyristor-Controlled Series-Compensated Line. Electric Power Components and Systems, 31 (3). pp. 241-260. ISSN 1532-5008
Dash, P (2003) Damping of multimodal power system oscillations by FACTS devices using non-linear Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy controller. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 25 (6). pp. 481-490. ISSN 01420615
Dash, P. K. and Panigrahi, B. K. and Panda, G. (2003) Power quality analysis using s-transform. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 18 (2). pp. 406-411. ISSN 0885-8977
Dash, P.K. and Panigrahi, B.K. and Sahoo, D.K. and Panda, G. (2003) Power quality disturbance data compression, detection, and classification using integrated spline wavelet and S-transform. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 18 (2). pp. 595-600. ISSN 0885-8977
Davaatsagaan, Munkhtuya (2003) Virtual Education Environment For Engineering Courses. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Dewa, Norhanim (2003) A Case Study : IOI Corporation Berhad. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Dovdon, Gankhuyag (2003) Support Vector Machine For Forecasting Currency Rates. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Dovdon, Gankhuyag (2003) Support Vector Machine For Forecasting Currency Rates. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
E, Joseph Anthony Jude (2003) Scalable Databases For E-Commerce A Study On : Object VS Relational Model. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Eshaq, A (2003) Redefining content. Automation in Construction, 12 (5). pp. 465-466. ISSN 09265805
Ezmir Mohd Razali, (2003) Simulation On The Impact Of Cross-Phase Modulation (XPM) On WDM Optical Transmission System. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
FAIDZ, A and MISHRA, V (2003) Theoretical investigation of coupling between a laser diode and a lensed fiber. Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 114 (10). pp. 457-460. ISSN 00304026
Fadzly Mohamed Nazri, (2003) A Study On The Audit Expectation Gap In Malaysia. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Faidz, A. R. and Mishra, V. N. (2003) Analysis and determination of coupling efficiency and misalignment tolerances between a laser diode and a conically lensed fiber. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 40 (3). pp. 191-195. ISSN 0895-2477
Fikry @ Aziz, Amily (2003) Attractiveness Of Visual Communication Elements In Print Advertisement : A Comparative Study In Malaysian Telecommunication Industry. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Foo, Yee Loo (2003) Handover Management In Mobile Satellite Systems. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Foo , Yee Loo (2003) Handover Management In Mobile Satellite Systems. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Gangatharan, N. and Reddy, P. S. (2003) The PLSI Method of Stabilizing Two-Dimensional Nonsymmetric Half-Plane Recursive Digital Filters. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2003 (9). pp. 914-921. ISSN 1687-6172
Gobi, Vetharatnam (2003) Design And Fabrication Of A Microstrip Antenna For Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Goh, Yu Ling (2003) Theoretical Analysis of Double Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors With Composite Collectors. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Goh , Yu Ling (2003) Theoretical Analysis Of Double Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors With Composite Collectors. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Goh,, A and Ngo,, DCL (2003) Computation of cryptographic keys from face biometrics. COMMUNICATIONS AND MULTIMEDIA SECURITY, 2828 . pp. 1-13. ISSN 0302-9743
Goh,, A and Ngo,, DCL and Yip, , KW (2003) Flexibly-configurable and computation-efficient digital cash with polynomial-thresholded coinage. COMMUNICATIONS AND MULTIMEDIA SECURITY, 2828 . pp. 181-193. ISSN 0302-9743
Goh,, A and Ngo, , DCL (2003) Multipoint-to-multipoint secure-messaging with threshold-regulated authorisation and sabotage detection. OMMUNICATIONS AND MULTIMEDIA SECURITY, 2828 . pp. 27-39. ISSN 0302-9743
Goh,, A and Poh, , GS and Ngo,, DCL (2003) Loss-tolerant stream authentication via configurable integration of one-time signatures and hash-graphs. COMMUNICATIONS AND MULTIMEDIA SECURITY , 2828 . pp. 239-251. ISSN 0302-9743
Goi, Bok Min (2003) A Fast Incremental Cryptographic Hash Function. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Goi, Bok Min and Siddiqi, M. U. and Chuah, Hean Teik (2003) Computational complexity and implementation aspects of the incremental hash function. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 49 (4). pp. 1249-1255. ISSN 0098-3063
Goi , Bok Min (2003) A Fast Incremental Cryptographic Hash Function. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Gunasekaran, S (2003) Convergence index for BPN training. Neurocomputing, 55 (3-4). pp. 711-719. ISSN 09252312
Haji Abd Mubin, Mohamad Razif (2003) A Case Study On YTL International Power Berhad. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Han, Edward Chung Kit (2003) A Case Study Of A Malaysian Accounting Software Company UBS Corporation Berhad. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Han, X. S. and Gooi, H. B. and Venkatesh, B. (2003) Dispatch Problems Due to Ramp Rate Constraints: Bottleneck Analysis and Solutions. Electric Power Components and Systems, 31 (10). pp. 995-1006. ISSN 1532-5008
Hanandeh, Feras and Quasmeh, Yaser (2003) Generating repair rules for database integrity maintenance. In: New Results in Dependability and Computer Systems. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (224). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 215-224. ISBN 978-3-319-00944-5
Hanmandlu, M (2003) Unconstrained handwritten character recognition based on fuzzy logic. Pattern Recognition, 36 (3). pp. 603-623. ISSN 00313203
Hanmandlu, Madasu and Mohd. Hafizuddin Mohd Yusof, and Madasu, Vamsi Krishna (2003) Fuzzy modeling based recognition of multi-font numerals. In: Pattern Recognition. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2781 (2781). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 204-211. ISBN 978-3-540-40861-1
Hia, Kuek Gek (2003) Measuring Customer Satisfaction In Five-Star Hotels In Malaysia. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Ho, C. K. and Singh, Y. P. and Lee, S. W. (2003) A HYBRID GENETIC ALGORITHM FOR OPTICAL ORTHOGONAL CODE CONSTRUCTION. Applied Artificial Intelligence, 17 (10). pp. 927-953. ISSN 0883-9514
Hong, Yeoh Suan (2003) Laws And Regulatory Framework On Internet Banking - Malaysian Perspective. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
How, Chee Hua (2003) Synchronous Rectification Voltage Regulator Module For Low Voltage DC DC Converter. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
How, C. H. and Basu, K. P. (2003) Circuit provides hiccup-current limiting. EDN, 48 (14). p. 102.
How , Chee Hua (2003) Synchronous Rectification Voltage Regulator Module For Low Voltage DC/DC Converter. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Huang, Seow Ling (2003) Floating-Point ALU Design. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Hui, Liew Shio (2003) Credit Card Brand: Does It Matter? A Malaysian Perspective. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Husin, Rizal and Mohamed Eshaq, Ahmad Rafi (2003) The impact of Internet-enabled computer-aided design in the construction industry. Automation in Construction, 12 (5). pp. 509-513. ISSN 0926-5805
Hussain, Hanafizan and Che Embi, Zarina and Hashim, Samsuri (2003) Conceptualized framework for edutainment. Informing Science. ISSN 1521-4672
Ibrahimy, Ahmad Ibn (2003) A Case Study On Golden Hope Plantations Berhad. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Ishar,, S and Bister,, M (2003) Multiresolution watershed segmentation on a Beowulf network. EURO-PAR 2003 PARALLEL PROCESSING, PROCEEDINGS, 2790 . pp. 624-631. ISSN 0302-9743
Ismail, Izwan (2003) Multimedia University and Fujitsu in pact on tech courses: [Computimes, 2* Edition]. New Straits Times. p. 36.
Itam, Muhammad Dahlan (2003) Malaysia Airlines System Berhad: Strategies For A Chaotic And Turbulent Global Environment After The Tragedy Of September 11. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Jayamani, Jegan Mogan (2003) An Empirical Study On Users Perception Towards Mobile Commerce In Malaysia. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Jin, , ATB and Hussain,, A and Samad,, SA (2003) Theoretic evidence k-nearest neighbourhood classifiers in a bimodal biometric verification system. AUDIO-AND VIDEO-BASED BIOMETRIC PERSON AUTHENTICATION, PROCEEDINGS, 2688 . pp. 778-786. ISSN 0302-9743
Kai, Seah Chong (2003) Consumer Perceptions Of Web Site Quality: Indicators Of Customer Loyalty Intent. Masters thesis, University of Multimedia.
Kain, Wong Chee (2003) Earnings, Capital Structure And Market Value. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Kam, Toh-Seok and Pang, Huey-Shen and Lim, Tuck-Meng (2003) Biologically active indole and bisindole alkaloids from Tabernaemontana divaricata. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 1 (8). pp. 1292-1297. ISSN 14770520
Kau , Guan Kiat (2003) Evolutionary Fuzzy Sliding -Mode PID Control. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Khai Huat, Jeffrey Low (2003) Productivity Breakthrough With TPM : A Case Study. Masters thesis, University of Multimedia.
Khalid Rashid, Syed Abid (2003) Market Entry Into South Africa: Plans And Strategies For Malaysian International Trading Coproration (MITCO). Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Khong, Kok Wei (2003) An Examination of the Critical success factors of the business process Re-Engineering Implementation Process In Malaysia Domestic Banks And Finance Companies. PhD thesis, Multimedia University.
Khong, Chee Weng and Cheng, I-Farn (2003) Icon design on public payphones: A Malaysian perspective. 19th International Symposium on Human Factors in Telecommunication. (Unpublished)
Khong , Kok Wei (2003) Examination Of The Critical Success Factors Of The Business Process Re-Engineering Implementation Process In Malaysia Domestic Banks And Finance Companies. PhD thesis, Multimedia University.
Kok, Lee Kuin (2003) Dividends And Value Of The Firm : A Study Of The Malaysian Corporate Sector. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Kok , Lee Kuin (2003) Dividends And Value Of The Firm : A Study Of The Malaysian Corporate Sector. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Koo, Voon Chet and Chung, Boon Kuan and Chuah, Hean Teik (2003) Development of a ground-based radar for scattering measurements. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, 45 (2). pp. 36-42. ISSN 1045-9243
Krishna Madasu, Vamsi and Mohd. Hafizuddin Mohd. Yusof, K and Hanmandlu, Madasu and Kubik, Kurt (2003) Off-line signature verification and forgery detection system based on fuzzy modeling. In: AI 2003: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2903 (2903). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 1003-1013. ISBN 978-3-540-20646-0
Kuan, C. Y. and Lichard, T. and Ling, T. C. and Yee, T. C (2003) Integrating metacognitive skills into animated pedagogical agent: A scientific inquiry model. Information Society Technology.
Kuan, Chuen-Lee and Lee, Chien-Sing and Ho, Chin-Kuan (2003) Agent-assisted collaborative concept map. In: The 3rd IEEE International Conference Advanced Learning Technologies, 2003. Proceedings. IEEE Xplore, pp. 282-283. ISBN 0-7695-1967-9
Kubik, Kurt and Hanmandlu, Madasu and Mohd. Hafizuddin Mohd. Yusof, and Krishna Madasu, Vamsi (2003) Automatic extraction of signatures from bank cheques and other documents. Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications, DICTA 2003.
Kung, F. and Chuah, H. T. (2003) STABILITY OF CLASSICAL FINITE-DIFFERENCE TIME-DOMAIN (FDTD) FORMULATION WITH NONLINEAR ELEMENTS—A NEW PERSPECTIVE - ABSTRACT. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 17 (9). pp. 1313-1314. ISSN 09205071
Kung, Fabian Wai Lee (2003) Modeling Of Electromagnetic Wave Propagation In Printed Circuit Board And Related Structures. PhD thesis, Multimedia University.
Kung, Fabian Wai Lee (2003) Modeling Of Electromagnetic Wave Propagation In Printed Circuit Board And Related Structures. PhD thesis, Multimedia University.
Kung, F. and Chuah, H. T. (2003) Stability of Classical Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) Formulation with Nonlinear Elements --- A New Perspective. Progress In Electromagnetics Research, 42. pp. 49-89. ISSN 1559-8985
Kwek, Lee Chung (2003) Intelligent Active Force Control Methods Of A Biped Robot. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Kwek, L. C. (2003) Application of active force control and iterative learning in a 5-link biped robot. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 37 (2). pp. 143-162. ISSN 09210296
Kwek, Lee Chung (2003) Intelligent Active Force Control Methods Of A Biped Robot. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
L., Sarada (2003) Capital Structure And Market Value: Evidence From A Selected Industry From The Malaysian Corporate Sector. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
L., Sarada (2003) Capital Structure and Market Value: Evidence From A Selected industry from the Malaysian Corporate Sector. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Lan, Ng Lee (2003) Electronic Retailing : The Impact Of Internet And Benefits Gained By Malaysia Hybrid Retailers From The Coordination Of Electronic And Physical Channels. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Lee, Ian Wen Chun (2003) Intelligent Signal Processing Using Wavelet And Neural Network. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Lee, Tiong Kiat (2003) VLSI Design Of A Bit Serial Arithmetic Logic Unit. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Lee, I.W.C. and Dash, P.K. (2003) S-transform-based intelligent system for classification of power quality disturbance signals. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 50 (4). pp. 800-805. ISSN 0278-0046
Lee, Ian Wen Chun (2003) Intelligent Signal Processing Using Wavelet And Neural Network. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Leng, Tan Kok (2003) An Examination Of Analysts' Recommendations In Malaysian Stock Market. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Leong, Kum Foo (2003) Ternary Intermetallic Formation And Mechanical Strength Of Wave Soldered BGA Joints. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Liang, Seow Guen (2003) The Case Analysis On Maxis Communications Berhad. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Lim, Amy Hui Lan (2003) Design And Development Of GP-Based Data Mining Systems. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Lim, Suleen (2003) Comparison Of Audio Signal Compression Techniques. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Lim, Amy Hui Lan (2003) Design And Development Of GP-Based Data Mining Systems. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Lim, Khai Teng (2003) FLGA Traffic Controller With Fuzzy Logic Algorithm: Fuzzy Traffic Controller. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Lim, H.S. and Rao, M.V.C. and Tan, A.W.C. and Chuah, H.T. (2003) Multiuser detection for DS-CDMA systems using evolutionary programming. IEEE Communications Letters, 7 (3). pp. 101-103. ISSN 1089-7798
Lim, Heng Siong and Venkatesh, B. (2003) An efficient local search heuristics for asynchronous multiuser detection. IEEE Communications Letters, 7 (7). pp. 299-301. ISSN 1089-7798
Lim, Ka Sing and Koo, Voon Chet and Jonas, Noto Djuanda and Lim, Tien Sze (2003) Analysis of novel slotted waveguide structure for antenna arrays application. In: Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices & IC's. IEEE Xplore, pp. 356-357. ISBN 0-7803-8196-3
Lim, T. S. and Tharek, A. R. and Wan Khairuddin, W. A. and Hasnain, A. (2003) Prototypes development for reflection canceling slot design of radial line slot array (RLSA) antenna for direct broadcast satellite reception. In: Asia-Pacific Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, 2003. APACE 2003. IEEE Xplore, pp. 34-37. ISBN 0-7803-8129-7
Lin, Chan Chee (2003) Voluntary Staff Turnover In A Leisure Industry: The Role Of A Human Resource Department. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Ling, Koh Lay (2003) The Job Satisfaction Of Malaysia Female Manager Employed In The Manufacturing Sector. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Ling, Siew Woei (2003) Instructional design: A framework for designing web-based courses. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Loon, Cheng Heng (2003) Borneo Group : Achieving Quantum Leap Growth Through Forward Integration. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Low, Kevin Lock Teng (2003) Strategic Implementation And Cost Justification Of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. PhD thesis, Multimedia University.
Low, Kevin Lock Teng (2003) Strategic Implementation And Cost Justification Of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. PhD thesis, Multimedia University.
Low, Yin Fen (2003) Medical Image Compression Using Wavelets : Objective And Subjective Evaluations. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Low, Andy L. Y. and Chien, Su Fong and Wong, W. M. (2003) Multi-wavelength generation of L-band brillouin/erbium fibre laser. Optical and Quantum Electronics, 35 (11). pp. 1055-1063. ISSN 0306-8919
Low , Yin Fen (2003) Medical Image Compression Using Wavelets : Objective And Subjective Evaluations. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
M. H. M. Yusof, and Madasu, V. K. (2003) Signature verification and forgery detection system. In: Proceedings. Student Conference Research and Development, 2003. SCORED 2003. IEEE Xplore, pp. 9-14. ISBN 0-7803-8173-4
M.Thiyagarajan, Thangarajah (2003) Study Of Customer Relationship Management In Malaysian Commercial Banks And Its Implications For The Small And Medium Enterprises. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Mah, Kenny Ying Fye (2003) The Effects Of Self-Image Congruence On Consumers' Brand Preference And Satisfaction In The Mobile Phone Service Provider Market In Malaysia. Masters thesis, Multimedia University.
Malay Mail, (2003) Developing technopreneurs at Multimedia University. Malay Mail . p. 11.
May, Leong Chuay (2003) Soaring High Into The Blue Sky-AirAsia, The First Low-Fares, No-Frills Airline In Malaysia. Masters thesis, University of Multimedia.
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